Husband-Wife Duo Create World’s First Wearable Tesla Key – Tesla Ring

by Jack
Tesla Key Ring

Alongside the now notorious Tesla Model 3 reveal we received an all-new innovative car key – no car key. In case you’re not in the know, The Model 3 uses your phones Bluetooth as a source for both your keyless entry and keyless start. Who knew? the car from the future doesn’t actually come with a key but the company does provide anther option with your purchase, a key card.

The Tesla key card uses very straightforward, widely seen, RFID technology to unlock and drive your electric car. Simply tap your card on the cars B-pillar and it unlocks like a charm. Tesla also offers an aftermarket traditional key fob for those hesitant on going key-less. Either option would be used as secondary or a backup since your phones Bluetooth should enable passive entry with no hassle attached. Regardless, people tend to like options and they now seem to be becoming endless.

The husband-wife duo behind Tesla Trip have hacked their way around the “traditional” experience. Dissolving the plastic used in the Tesla key card reveals the internal components used to unlock and start the car. With the copper antenna and RFID chip attached, the team is able to handcraft a custom made Tesla ring key. That’s right, wearable technology is now expanding to car keys and the Tesla RFID ring will go down as one of the coolest car keys ever made.

The ring is a great alternative to your phone or keycard. It allows you to access your vehicle even if you don’t have your phone or wallet. I do a lot of outdoor activities that are not conducive to carrying a wallet or phone. The ring allows me to enter my M3 while in these rural environments. I’ve found it to be a useful addition to my M3 not to mention the “cool” factor!

The ring itself is made using a simple mixture of resin making it lightweight. Using dyes, the Tesla Model 3 ring can be modified from its initial transparent state. If you have a Model 3 and are looking for a unique way to stunt or just get into your car, the two are now taking orders. You’ll just need to provide your ring size and preferred color. If you’d rather make your own, Tesla Trip has kindly given us the step-by-step guide:

If rings aren’t your thing, @hopegrrrl is already working on new custom key ideas. While creative and nicely executed, these luxurious Tesla accessory are far from the first attempts at hacking the Tesla key card. We’ve seen other custom fobs made before and more glaringly, an arm implant.

Due to the limitations of the antenna, a lot of these modifications won’t work as well as the tradition card. For the most part, these are done out of style or as a last resort backup. Regardless, the original Tesla key card is expected to be used just the same since the company urges you to use your phones Bluetooth connection as the primary key source.

The wearable car key gives us a glimpse of our futuristic cyberpunk-esk future. I can easily see this going hand and hand with Tesla’s next vehicle, the Cybertruck. We will just have to wait and see what Tesla has in store for us in regards to future car keys but today, I’m ordering a custom made Tesla ring.

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John December 5, 2019 - 4:26 pm

Please share photos of other colors on website!

Kain December 4, 2019 - 8:30 am

That is a great idea ! I love it.

Patrick Lawson (Pox) (@walkingcrow) December 3, 2019 - 10:50 am

We will have pictures of the other colors this weekend on the website.

Trevor White December 2, 2019 - 6:03 pm

Are there pictures of other colors?


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