EV Photo Share: Tesla Edition

by Denis Gurskiy

Welcome to the first edition of our EV photo share. We wanted to highlight some of the cool photos that the EV community has posted on social media and highlight it with you guys (who knows, maybe some of these can be wallpaper worthy). As such we scoured Reddit for some recent Tesla photos that the community has share, and we think there’s some good ones here. Once again, thanks to all of the users who allowed us to share these photos with you.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov

Photo by /u/innout_forever_yum

Photo by @signaturecustoms

Photo by @the_unpaid_extra  (yes that is a hearse)Photo by @lovetownrocket
Photo by /u/Provol0ne
Photo by @zspyk007 (yes, I know it’s not a Tesla, but it’s still a cool shot)

Like what you see? Go on over and show some love to the creators of these fine pictures. Also, if you have an EV related picture that you think we should feature on one these posts, send it over our way and we might use it in an upcoming post.




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