Fisker Ocean Remains On Track for 2021 Production

by Giovanni

Amidst a global disturbance, Henrik Fisker’s newest vehicle, the Fisker Ocean, is still nearing it’s final stages of development. Due to its both complicated and notorious history, Fisker is a company we have been following closely.

The company claims that over 22,000 people from around the globe have “shown interest” in the Fisker Ocean with the majority of reservations coming from North America. While we still aren’t certain how or where Fisker plans to mass produce electric cars, the company has stated more infomartion regarding the matter will be released in Q3 of this year.

As we move closer towards launch, a large portion of reservations are expected to be seen through their mobile app. After all, they are the world’s first digital car company.

Fisker has restated and confirmed their initial production goals. The Ocean is scheduled to enter production in late 2021 but won’t see high volume deliveries until the second half of 2022. So if you want a Fisker Ocean fast, you best order quickly. In a time with a large portion of manufacturers delaying their EV plans, Fisker has reassured us that they’re right on track.

The Fisker Ocean is on the evergrowing list of affordable EV’s that don’t suck. It’s expected to begin at a moderate $37,499 (before the $7,500 federal rebate). As are most, the Ocean will be seen in an abundance of packages, four to be exact. A performance model is expected with no further information. Apart from its 250-300 miles of range, we won’t know any more specifications until Q4 of this year, according to the company.

“Our vision for a ‘A clean Future for All’ has become even more relevant during these times of crises. As our development stage was highly dependent on finalizing manufacturing agreements and signing off virtual data, we have not seen a significant impact on our timeline for the Fisker Ocean launch at this point in time. We are still planning to have early built vehicles running off the assembly line end of next year. It’s been amazing to see the enthusiasm from our reservation holders, putting down paid reservations this early and following everything we are doing. For competitive and business reasons, we will have to wait a few more month to announce more news about several business aspects and vehicle details, but I’m eager to share more details as soon as we can!” – Henrik Fisker

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