The Tesla Cybertruck is Equally Loved Across All States

by Jack

The company known for continuously innovating in a dated industry revealed their futuristic cyberpunk pickup truck late last year. Straight out of the gate, the Tesla Cybertruck was controversial. From its unique design to its breakable unbreakable windows, the electric pickup grabbed the attention of just about everyone. From a meme to a conversation piece, through word of mouth alone, Tesla received more than a quarter of a million preorders for the luxury truck in just a few days.

Tesla enthusiast @TeslaRun put together a useful Cybertruck reservation tracker. Using user submitted reservation numbers we are able to get an overall look at the Tesla truck demographic and total orders. Currently, according to the spreadsheet, there are 535,841 preorders for the Tesla Cybertruck. That’s nearly $28 billion in estimated revenue.

The data has been crowdsourced with over 1,400 submissions. Those with reservations submitted their locations, reservation numbers, and configurations. With constant updates we are able to keep track of who exactly is ordering Tesla’s next vehicle and what options come as most popular.

Currently, the Dual Motor option seems to be the fan-favorite with 42% of users reserving that variant. 41% opted for the never before seen Tri-Motor option with only 17% opting for the more affordable Single Motor option.

The Tesla Cybertruck starts at a relatively moderate price tag of just $39,900 putting it in direct competition with any mass-produced entry-level truck. Tesla has even directly compared the electric truck with the Ford F150, the most sold vehicle in America.

Even so, many were quick to question the Cybertrucks legitimacy. Is it actually a truck? Well, it certainly acts like one. It’s tow capacity and specs put it above all other trucks while maintaining a similar price.

  Tesla Cybertruck Rivian R1T Ford F150
Max Payload 3,500 lbs. TBA 3,270 lbs.
Max Towing 14,000 lbs. 11,000 lbs. 13,200 lbs.
Max Range 500+ Miles 400+ Miles 500+ Miles
Top Speed TBA 125 mph 110 mph
0-60 mph 2.9 sec. 3.0 sec. 5.1 sec.

Still, there were the skeptics who doubted the ability for Tesla to sell such a nontraditional vehicle to those who actually need them. Many claimed Tesla would only sell this cyberpunk truck to their fanbase and it would never hit traditional truck buyers. After all, California alone accounts for a large chunk of all Tesla sales.

Now, with data from the same spreadsheet, a user on the Cybertruck Talk Forum was able to calculate exactly which states had the most Cybertruck preorders. As it turns out, it aligns decently with the current U.S. pickup truck marketshare.

Top 10 States for Cybertruck Pre-Orders

1. California (12.9%)
2. Texas (6.3%)
3. Florida (5.43%)
4. Washington (4.13%)
5. Arizona (3.84%)
6. Colorado (3.26%)
7. New York (2.68%)
8. North Carolina (2.32%)
9. Georgia (2.17%)
10. Virginia (2.03%)

This implies the Tesla Cybertruck is far from being just a niche vehicle. It won’t just be sold to the Silicon Valley diehards, rather it has found a space in the segment. The truck segment is the largest vehicle segment in the U.S. with the top 3 most sold vehicles actually, year after year, being all pickup trucks. The space is so tremendous that many see Tesla’s electric truck as their best selling vehicle in just a few years.

Of course, it’s not a perfect correlation, those along the Pacific Coast seem to be more enthusiastic about the truck, but there have been a decent number of orders from the truck capital of Texas. Skeptics will no doubt remain skeptical until the Cybertruck comes out and they’ll see one from themselves on the road, at which point it will be interesting to see if there is a further shift in sales.

What do you guys think? Let us know down in the comments below.

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George March 5, 2020 - 4:27 pm

Can we please see the orders by Country

Denis Gurskiy March 8, 2020 - 10:06 pm

Hi there, if you go to the linked spread sheet you can find the full statistics including the orders by country. It’s a bit slow to load, but the information is there.


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