The Sono Sion is Another Car That Hopes to Harvest the Sun’s Energy

by Denis Gurskiy

Previously we’ve talked about the potential range provided from the Sun in cars such as the Karma Revero and how it wasn’t worth it. But this Sono might actually be worth it (as long as its in the summer months)While the Revero only had its solar panels on top of its roof, the Sino, which looks eerily similar to the BMW i3 will have solar panels cover its entire body. These solar panels will, in a best case scenario, contribute around 30km (18 miles) worth of energy to its 250km (155 miles) range. This is obviously limited towards the sunnier summer months.

As seen in the winter months you will receive almost no power, but if you live somewhere that is perpetually sunny it might be worth it. The car is much cheaper than the Karma Revero we mentioned above selling for $19,760 with an option to lease its 35-kwh $5,000 battery.

The car has over 4,000 reservations at this point and Sono is hoping to make it to their 5,000 reservation goal. Eventually they hope that they will be able to sell 10,000 a year when it finally hits the streets in Europe and several other countries in the world.

Is it worth it? Well even if it didn’t have solar panels, a car with 150 mile range for less than $25,000 is a good deal in itself. But if you have a really short commute those extra solar miles might pay off here and there. Provided you keep it outside, and clean, and have sunlight on the car for the majority of the day, and don’t live too far up north to where the sun is never around.

(Side note: There is moss in the dashboard to clean the air)

(Side Side note: I spy with my little eye the transmission stalk from an i3)

Source: Sion Motors

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» Solar Panel Car Roofs – Where are They? – EVBiteSolar Equipment Installer January 6, 2019 - 2:37 pm

[…] written about the Sono Sion previously. While the cars we’ve mentioned previously listed have treated solar panels as a means […]


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