Tesla Cybertruck Not Getting Smaller, Possible Future Small Electric Truck

by Denis Gurskiy

The Tesla Cybertruck is still a ways away from production and its planned delivery start date of late 2021, which allows for Tesla to still debate some of the final design choices for the electric truck.

Not too long after the initial reveal of the Tesla Cybertruck, Elon Musk took to Twitter to state that at that point in time, the final design of the Cybertruck was about 3% smaller and had a smaller window sill height compared to the prototype shown.

That design decision apparently has not been committed on for too long, as Musk again went on Twitter to state that those size changes would not be in place. He wrote, “Reviewed design with Franz last night. Even 3% smaller is too small. Will be pretty much this size. We’ll probably do a smaller, tight world truck at some point.”

In true Elon Musk fashion, he mentions another possible future Tesla model that they will make at some point in time. Of course, this is a pretty vague and non-committal comment, and given all the projects that Tesla still has on its plate, it is safe to say that we wouldn’t even see a supposed smaller electric truck until at least 2023 or 2024.

As it stands, the Cybertruck will still have its original dimensions as shown during the reveal, which was 231.7 inches long, 79.8 inches wide, and 75 inches tall, up to 16 inches of ground clearance. The current size puts it in the ballpark of current popular pick-up trucks such as the Ford F-150.

The production facility for the Cybertruck has yet to even be announced, so Tesla is still able to make design decisions without impacting the production of the electric truck.

What’s more interesting now is what the possible smaller truck will be like. I already said that it’s about as unofficial of a comment as you can get, but speculation is still fun. Will it retain the same crazy design? How much cheaper will Tesla be able to get it with the single-motor Cybertruck already costing only $40k?

What do you guys think of the size decision and possible smaller electric Tesla truck in the future? Let us know down in the comments below.

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