Electrify America’s New Ad Campaign Looks to Normalize EV Ownership

by Denis Gurskiy
Electrify America Normal Now Advertisement Campaign

As part of their $2 billion investment to encourage the adoption of zero-emission vehicles, Electrify America has launched their “Normal Now” advertisement campaign. The EV ad campaign looks to normalize the ownership of electric cars in an attempt to increase their adoption rate.

The electric car ad campaign is light-hearted in nature and kicks off with a pseudo-90’s informational website. In addition to the website, the campaign will consist of “online videos, streaming TV ads, digital banner ads, social media ads, paid search, and streaming audio and podcast.”

You can watch a few of the videos from Electrify America’s campaign down below:

We have always stated that while advancements in electric cars and their underlying technologies are important, it is equally as important to bring attention to and educate the general public about the significance of electric cars in our current environmental landscape in order to move away from the mess of misconceptions surrounding the topic.

Just a month ago, we wrote about a study that JD Power did which found that a majority of people did not have a large degree of confidence in electric cars or autonomous vehicles. Most of the participants had little to no knowledge of the subject, which led to a number of negative results. Many stated that they would feel more favorably towards the technology had they been more informed. Studies like this have proven how vital awareness campaigns like the one Electrify America is currently running are to the adoption of electric cars.

Richard Steinberg, Senior Director of Green Cities, Marketing and Communications at Electrify America stated:

“A large percentage of the car buying public cite functional concerns about EVs, like range anxiety, charge time and cost, as reasons why they wouldn’t drive electric; however, the Normal Now campaign is inspired by the insight that there is actually a deeper, more emotional set of barriers standing in the way of consideration and adoption. We believe that fear of change and lack of exposure to EVs in pop culture is making people view electric vehicles as too different from what they’re used to, and therefore are striving to normalize EVs with this latest educational campaign.”

The advertisement campaign will run all the way through to December 2021.

What do you guys think of the campaign? Let us know down in the comments below.

Source: Electrify America

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1 comment

Dee Celestia December 12, 2019 - 3:22 am

This is a well-done educational campaign. Its message is true, and its delivery is clear. Thank you !


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