A Look at What the Apple Car Interior Could Look Like

by Denis Gurskiy
Apple car interior concept

The Apple car is an elusive mystery. No one really knows when or if the Apple car will become a reality. Last we’ve heard from Apple, they have been retrofitting VW T6 vans to shuttle their employees around. Regardless, it is fun to imagine what such a car might look like, if it ever will be produced.

Many people like to throw out design concepts for fun and open discussion for what we would like to see in a new car. Today we will look at an interior concept for a supposed Apple car from Stefano Tsai. Tsai is an accomplished concept artist residing in Brighton, UK with over 15 years design and production experience in games, films and entertainment industries. If you know you’re games he has has worked on the Total War Series, Alien: Isolation, and Star Citizen.

Tsai recently produced a very bright and screen filled concept of what the interior of the Apple Car could look like. He describes it as such:

This is the image from my mind how Apple Car will look like. There is a huge screen surrounding you, it is 180 Degrees Apple CarPlay. It is the smartest A.I. for helping drivers to stay focused on the road and get music, messages, calls, and directions. You also have Full Customized Systems for the side panel, You can drag any functions you like into the door panel screen. The front HUD is a Full Customized Head-Up Displays, put anything you like to the screen and also come with Night Vision. Another cool feature is it doesn’t come with a traditional rearview mirror. Apple upgrades it with 180 Degrees Wide Angle Rear View Cameras.

These pictures are actually part of a 360VR shot that Tsai made. Go and check it out here, to appreciate the full work he put into this.

The design does follow Apple’s principle of being clean and curvy, which is what this interior is. There are screens galore, only the Byton M-Byte can match this concept in that department.  The shaggy carpet also reminds me of what VW did with their Vizzion concept.

Overall, I think the concept is very fun and well done. The “slide to unlock” for the door is very cheeky, but its doubtful that something like that would be put into production. However, I do see Apple making the entirety of their dashboard one big screen.

Will we ever see this Apple car? I don’t really know, from what we heard, Apple is having major troubles. But until it does come out (or not) we will look out for artists running wild with their ideas.

What do you guys think about the possibility of the Apple car? Let us know down in the comments below.

If you haven’t already, go check out Stefano Tsai’s website for more artwork.

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