VW Unveils New Power Bank Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

by David Mowatt
electric vehicle charging stations

Volkswagen Group Components have just unveiled their new mobile electric vehicle charging stations that operate according to the same principles of a power bank.

According to Volkswagen, their new mobile electric vehicle charging stations can be set up flexibly and independently of a power supply wherever they are needed. The mobile charging stations can be set up in public parking lots as well as on company premises and can even be used as temporary charging points at large-scale events.

The mobile electric vehicle charging stations feature a charging capacity of up to 360 kWh which will enable up to 15 electric vehicles to be charged in stand-alone operation. Thanks to quick charging technology, the charging process for the mobile charger takes an average of 17 minutes. When the mobile charger depletes its energy and the installed battery set is less than 20 percent, the charger can simply be switched out for another one. If the mobile charger is instead connected to a 30 kW power supply, it can perpetually recharge itself.

Thomas Schmall, Chair of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Group Components, stated:

“The mobile charging stations are a decisive step toward an efficient network of charging points. They can be set up anywhere as required – with or without connection to the power supply. This flexibility enables a completely new approach for the rapid expansion of the charging infrastructure. Cities can, for example, find out the most suitable places for a permanent charging point before making major investments in developing the network. In addition, it will be possible to set up a large number of charging stations temporarily – exactly when and where they are needed.”

The mobile electric vehicle charging stations can also be charged with solar or wind energy. In the case that the mobile charger’s charging process is based on a renewable power supply, the charger can store the sustainably generated power which can then be transmitted to electric vehicles during charging.

Mark Möller, Head of Technical Development at Volkswagen Group Components, stated:

“Our mobile charging stations offer a further crucial advantage. It is only when an electric car is charged with sustainably generated power that it can claim CO2-neutral mobility. Our charging station is the first to offer the possibility of temporarily storing sustainably generated power.”

The first Volkswagen mobile electric vehicle charging stations will be set up in Wolfsburg in the first half of 2019 as part of a pilot project. Volkswagen expects to use the charging stations in other cities and communities by 2020.

Source: Volkswagen

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