BMW i3 is Turned into a Mobile Las Vegas Lounge

by Denis Gurskiy

On the of announcing the delivery of half a million electrified cars, BMW has decided to continue moving forward with trying to drive people towards electrified cars with an interesting Las Vegas lounge experience in a modified BMW i3 Urban Suite during CES 2020.

BMW is once again heading to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which is bountiful with all the latest and upcoming technologies from all different industries. BMW is heading this year with the mission that can be summed up with the #ChangeYourPreception hashtag. As we have always said, consumer education is one of the best ways to help electric cars progress and BMW is doing it in their own special little way.

Once again the BMW i3 takes the spotlight, the little electric car has already been around for seven years and helped in proving that electric cars could be a possibility. Dubbed the “BMW i3 Urban Suite”, a small fleet of modified i3s will be making their way from Munich to Las Vegas to chauffer passengers around the Las Vegas Strip in comfort and style.

Everything aside from the driver seat and dashboard has been modified as the rear bench has been replaces with a deep and bolstered seat that has a table and lamp to the left of it. The front passenger seat has been converted to a footstool, allowing the passenger to ride in maximum comfort. It might not look like a Rolls Royce from the outside, but the comfort on the inside will exceed that likes of that behemoth.

BMW states that the cars will start making their rounds at the start of CES on January 7th and you will be able to use a special app to order one of these cars to drive you to your desired destination.  CES only runs for a few days from the 7th to 10th, but I would imagine that BMW would not go through the effort of building these i3s if they were only going to use them for four days. They have not stated any future plans for them but I would expect to see them at future events.

It seems like a pretty neat idea, it might not have a far reach when it comes to educating people on electric cars, but it does make it a more personal and tailored experience if the person driving the car is able to provide a knowledgable answer to any electric car questions. We will see if other companies might follow suit in future events to help drive people towards electric cars.

What do you guys think of the idea? Let us know down in the comments below.

Source: BMW

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