Volvo Announces Plan to Be Carbon Neutral by 2040

by Denis Gurskiy

Today Volvo announced that they would be making aggressive strides over the next couple of years to help the company become carbon neutral by 2040.

The Swedish automaker has made a habit of being in the news for its safety features, but over the past couple of years, Volvo has been positioning themselves to be a leader when it comes to automobile electrification.

Today, they have made an announcement regarding their plan to cur their carbon footprint per car by 40% between 2018 and 2025. Håkan Samuelsson, chief executive, stated that:

“We are transforming our company through concrete actions, not symbolic pledges. So at Volvo Cars we will address what we control, which is both our operations and the tailpipe emissions of our cars. And we will address what we can influence, by calling on our suppliers and the energy sector to join us in aiming for a climate neutral future.”

Volvo has one of the most aggressive electrification plans thus far, pledging to have an electric motor (mild hybrid, plug-in, or full battery-electric) in every new model that they produce. Additionally, they doubled down on the promise and stated that they plan to have 50% of their sales by fully electric models by 2025.

However, vehicle emissions are not the only place where Volvo plans to reduce their emission.

To realise the significant 40 per cent reduction of its CO2 footprint per car by 2025, the company has devised a number of ambitions for different parts of its operations. The previously communicated goal of generating 50 per cent of global sales from fully electric cars by 2025 is a prominent one, which would result in a 50 per cent reduction in tailpipe carbon emissions per car between 2018 and 2025.


Other short-term ambitions include a 25 per cent reduction of CO2 emissions related to its global supply chain by 2025, a 25 per cent share of recycled plastics in new Volvo cars by 2025 and a 25 per cent reduction of carbon emissions generated by the company’s overall operations, including manufacturing and logistics.

The XC40 Recharge electric SUV will be the first model in Volvo’s new ‘Recharge’ car line. The line will include all Volvo models that are plug-in hybrids or battery electric.

The XC40 Recharge is preparing to be revealed very soon, so keep an eye out for that.

Overall, Volvo has been doing a very good job of being a leader when it comes to vehicle electrification and it looks like the commitments are more than just words.

What do you guys think of the plan? Let us know down in the comments below.

Source: Volvo

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