Mercedes says the 200 mile range rating for the EQC is wrong

by Denis Gurskiy

If you read my overview of the new EQC, or simply read the specs of the car yourself, you most likely noticed the range of the new electric SUV being “around 200 miles”. Much confusion was had by me and others alike as we sat disappointed at the non-competitive range that Mercedes was bringing out. Thankfully, Mercedes has stated that this was an incorrect figure.

After probably being as confused and disappointed as I was, the folks over at Green Car Reports reached out to Mercedes concerning the range stat, and got the following response back:

“Our colleagues in Stuttgart have advised us that the preliminary estimated range figure for the EQC of 200 miles for the U.S. market is incorrect,” said Mercedes-Benz product and technology public relations manager Michael Minielly. “For now, we ask that you please use the 450-km NEDC figure (approximately 279 miles). The official U.S. range will be communicated closer to market launch.”

At least for now we have clarification of what range Mercedes is aiming for. But the concerns are still here, the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) has never given good real world range indications for EVs. The test has been getting phased out in favor of the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure), which while still more lenient than EPA figures, is more accurate than the NEDC.

Obviously car makers like quoting the NEDC figures because it makes their car seem more impressive. A recent example being upcoming EQC competitor, the Audi e-tron Quattro. Audi initially claimed a range close to 300 miles on the NEDC but then changed it to 249 miles on the more accurate WLTP.

279 miles on the NEDC cycle will most likely end up being around 230 miles or so on EPA testing. The EQC has a claimed efficiency of 22.2kW/100 km (62 miles). If you apply this to its 80 kWh of usable battery, you get a range of 223 miles. And sure, its better than the 200 mile estimate we worried about, but considering this car’s projected price and the fact that it is still a year and half out, its still disappointing.

The statement in itself seems weird too. The 200 mile range must have come somewhere, it didn’t just pop out of thin air. Mercedes must know that the real world range will be in the low 200s. Another oddity is that they said that the US specs were wrong, making it seem like there might be some modifications done to the US version of the EQC.

Now I know I seem like I’m bashing on the EQC, but I want to reiterate a couple of things. If this car had come out within the next couple months, than the shortcomings of the range might have been overlooked. The Model X 75D has a range of 237 miles, the Jaguar iPace has a range of about 240 miles, and the upcoming e-tron Quattro is at 249 miles. The discrepancy in range isn’t too bad at this point that it would be the sole factor in someone not buying the EQC (assuming it is reasonably price). But the fact that it is a planned 2020 release, makes these numbers very lackluster as more and more companies take electric cars more seriously.

Mercedes still has time, maybe I’m being hard on them for no reason and all these preliminary numbers will shoot up by 2020 and I’ll look dumb.

What do you guys think? Let us know down in the comments below.

Source: Green Car Reports

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