Ferrari Doesn’t See Itself Becoming Fully Electric

by Denis Gurskiy

If there ever was a car company to bet on rebuking the move to fully electric cars, it would be Ferrari. The prancing horse has a habit of keeping meticulous control over its brand, making it one of the most recognizable and desirable in the world. And so, while the rest of the world scurries around to get some sort of electric technology in their cars, Ferrari looks to keep the status quo for as long as it possibly can.

The news comes from Ferrari’s recent third-quarter earnings calls where Ferrari CEO Louis Camilleri made a few comments pointing towards Ferrari’s resistance:

But there should be cost savings longer term as battery technologies improve as well. However, my own sense is that, you know, to sort of say 100 percent electric, that’s pushing things.

I really don’t see Ferrari ever being at 100 percent EV and certainly not in my lifetime will reach even 50 percent.

The CEO is currently 65 years old and if we take his comments literally for the sake of argument, we can assume that possibly for the next 10-20 years Ferrari will not even have half of its line up be fully electric. More interesting is the comments that Ferrari will never be 100% fully electric, which unless Ferrari figured out some sort of loophole in many countries’ legislation for banning gasoline cars, I don’t know how they could continue as such. Still, there is no doubt in my mind that Ferrari will be the last company that will have to have their combustion engines pried from their hands.

Electrification also isn’t a foreign concept to the Italian company, the LaFerrari back in 2013 incorporated an electric motor. Their newest SF90 Stradale has three electric motors and plug, allowing it to be the most powerful Ferrari ever made. So clearly Ferrari isn’t totally opposed to electricity as they have seen that it can help further enhance the performance of their cars. A fully electric car is however expected in 2025, so the company is trudging along slowly.

At the end of the day, the waiting list for any Ferrari is probably massive so the company doesn’t see the need to make any significant changes in its offerings. And with how powerful the brand is, they may be immune to having to keep up in the technology arms race, even if an electric family sedan is smoking it down the track. A lot of things can obviously change in the next decade, and a new CEO could easily take the company in a new direction, but the current course looks to be charted going against the inevitable.

Also, c’mon man, we’re going to need a better argument than that.

 What do you guys think of the plan? Let us know down in the comments below.

Source: Jalopnik

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