California Utility Offers Electric Vehicle Rebate to Customers

by David Mowatt
electric vehicle rebate

Southern California Edison (SCE) is now offering a $1,000 electric vehicle rebate to all customers who purchase or lease a new or used fully-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle on or after January 1, 2019.

The electric vehicle rebate is offered through SCE’s Clean Fuel Reward program and includes customers who purchased electric vehicles before January 1, 2019. Second and third electric vehicle owners will still be able to apply for a $450 rebate thanks to the program.

The Clean Fuel Reward program has been made available through California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program in an attempt to aid in the battle against rapid climate change. SCE is able to offer a rebate by earning credit every time an electric vehicle customer uses electricity at home to charge their vehicles which they then return to customers through the Clean Fuel Reward program.

Katie Sloan, SCE’s director of eMobility, commented on the recent rebate announcement, stating:

“When drivers make the switch to an EV, not only do they contribute to cleaning the air we breathe, they also help us affect climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation accounts for nearly half of California’s GHG emissions and more than 80 percent of its air pollution.


“Each mile driven using electricity from the grid helps reduce tailpipe emissions. Plus, EV owners also save money on maintenance and lower fuel costs. Fueling an EV is equivalent to paying less than $2 per gallon of gasoline.”

In an attempt to encourage an even larger number of customers to purchase or lease electric vehicles, the company has since launched the Charge Ready Home Installation Rebate Program which allows customers to offset the cost of installing the required electric vehicle infrastructure.

One of the most important details concerning this new rebate is that it will be offered in addition to the federal electric vehicle tax credit and existing California clean vehicle rebates, making it even easier for customers to make the transition towards cleaner, more sustainable forms of transport.

Source: SCE

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