Arcimoto Begins Production and Delivery of Evergreen FUV

by Giovanni

Arcimoto is a company making waves so large that they’ve come up with their own vehicle classification. Their FUV’s (Fun Utility Vehicles) are built to enjoy the west-coast sun at an affordable price. The Oregon based manufacturer has begun production and deliveries of their first electric vehicle, the Evergreen.

The Arcimoto Evergreen is not only the first of many, it’s the first its kind. As an electric premium Fun Utility Vehicle, the Evergreen has a range of 102.5 miles in the city with a top speed of 75 mph. The perfect daily commuter now exists and at an affordable $19,900 price-tag before incentives. The Evergreen model comes standard with heated seats, heated grips, Bluetooth speakers, removable doors, lockable rear storage, and, of course, magnetic cup holders.

  • 0-60 mph (96.5 km/h) in 7.5 seconds
  • Top Speed of 75 mph (121 km/h)
  • Range of 100 miles (161 km)
  • 81 bhp
  • Weight 1,300 lbs
  • GVWR 1,800 lbs

Arcimoto’s self labeled “FUV’s” are technically not even cars. Because they lack a wheel, they are classified as motorcycles. This has both its own pros and cons. In one hand, it allows the company to skip many mandated and redundant regulations, cutting costs and making the vehicle more affordable to the public. In the other, you’ll most likely need a motorcycle license to drive one of these bad boys. Regardless, it’s a step forward for both Arcimoto and our transition towards a more sustainable vehicle market.

“The FUV represents a significant step toward a sustainable transportation future in which vehicles are fully electric and right-sized for the needs of everyday drivers, this is a truly significant moment for Arcimoto as we launch retail production and delivery of the Fun Utility Vehicle for the first time in the company’s history.”

The electric vehicle company will first focus on delivering to customers in California, Oregon and Washington before expanding to the rest of the country. There’s currently a backlog of 4,128 preorders so if you haven’t ordered already, good luck getting your hands on one of these unique vehicles. In comparison to others, the order quantity might seem light, but for a start-up like Arcimoto, it could take some time to catch up. The company previously stated a goal of 200 vehicles per week.

The Evergreen is the first official vehicle built on the Arcimoto platform. It marks the companies premium segment. Arcimoto has also designed a model used specifically for local deliveries dubbed the Deliverator and another specialty vehicle for first responders.

The company seeks to find fleet customers in order to make their vehicles convenient rentals. The base Arcimoto is set to start at just $11,900 before any incentives. At that price, I don’t think I could afford not to have it. The gas savings alone is enough to justify it as your a-to-b daily commuter. Who said going green had to be expensive?

“As we scale operations and drive down costs, we will introduce more affordable vehicles until we hit our target base price of $11,900. Our strategy is to lead with lower-volume, higher-priced vehicles, and then increase the volume and lower the price as we scale. If we were to sell FUVs at a loss today, Arcimoto simply would not survive as a company.”

Arcimoto is no new-guy on the block either. This vehicle has been in the works for twelve years as of today. The company went public two years ago and they clearly are here to stay. While the electric vehicle space is getting more and more condensed as legacy manufacturers step in on the fun, Arcimoto fills a much requested niche.

“In 2007, we set out to build the world’s most affordable and efficient everyday electric vehicle that also happened to be insanely fun to drive. The FUV Evergreen Edition is the realization of that vision. With the FUV, you save money on gas, time on parking, and your daily commute is transformed into a pure electric joyride. Finally, a practical, American-made solution to the two greatest challenges facing the world today: global warming and getting groceries.”

A special launch event is being hosted today at 5:30 p.m. PDT in Eugene, Oregon. For those who can’t attend, the event will also be livestreamed.

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