EVBite 2019 Update: Changes and New Projects

by admin

As the year winds down, we sure hope everyone had a great 2018 and is eagerly gearing up for 2019 to roll around the corner. We sure are, and as part of the new year, we wanted to share some projects we’ve been working on as well as some small changes we’ll be making over here at EVBite.

Before we begin, we would like to thank all of you who have visited our website for your daily dose of EV news. We truly could not have come this far without all of your support, and we hope to see all of you return in 2019. Thank you once again for an amazing 2018 from all of us over at EVBite.

Now, without further ado, here are some things we’ve been working on over the past year.


It should go without saying at this point, but electric vehicles and environmental consciousness often go hand-in-hand with one another. In our attempt to help promote a cleaner, greener future, we have launched BREEV, a non-profit search engine that utilizes Google to display its search results. There are currently numerous non-profit organizations that are fighting for a more sustainable future, whether it’s through policy making or by educating the general public about more sustainable practices, and we wanted to create a service that would be able to donate to these organizations as effortlessly as possible. By searching the web with BREEV as you normally would, we are able to generate a small income that we then donate to various non-profit organizations that share our goal of curtailing harmful carbon emissions. From our “How it Works” section:

Operating BREEV is just as easy as it seems—simply use the search bar above to search the web as you normally would. Using BREEV provides the same exact Google results that you have grown accustomed to over the years, so there’s no need to worry. With every search executed, BREEV generates a small income that will be donated to various non-profit organizations passionate about reducing our ever-growing carbon footprint at the end of every month.

Here at BREEV, 100% of all revenue earned each month will be distributed to non-profit organizations of your choosing. A poll will be held every month where all users are welcomed to vote to determine the distribution of the funds we’ve gathered. Users will be able to submit a vote in support of their preferred non-profit organization as many times as they would like for the month, but we have restricted users by only allowing them to place one vote per day.

With every search executed using BREEV, funding for organizations that are fighting for a greener future will be generated. If you feel just as strongly as we do about curtailing harmful emissions, please check out our site here, bookmark the page, and share it with as many people as you can.

PLEASE NOTE: BREEV is in a soft launch/Beta phase. If you happen to find any bugs or would like to make suggestions on how we can improve, please feel free to use the corresponding contact pages found on each site, or contact us here at EVBite, to let us know.


  • As we head into the new year, we want to continue to improve our site and the content we offer. If you have any suggestions that you would like to share with us regarding the site, please feel free to do so via either twitter or our email, contact@evbite.com

Thank you all yet again for your continued support as we move into 2019.

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